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Blog 5: Music


I’ve a favorite group and favorite singer: El Kuelgue and Bad Bunny respectively. 

El Kuelgue is an Argentine indie group, actually I met them by chance watching a very good series called "Por Ahora" (it's on YouTube).  This series revolves around the lives of five friends from Buenos Aires, who begin to suffer the crisis of reaching their 30s: lack of love, fights, misunderstandings and frustrated dreams. In the series, the original band (El Kuelgue) is called "La Rata", it does not go very well and plays for a few beers, however in the last chapter they hit him with a song. That song named “Por Ahora” is my favorite, and it gives the name to the series. 

I like El Kuelgue because their songs are lively, many do not make logical sense, but they sound very good. Other songs that I like are: El Paraiso de los perros, Dele Tiempo, Bossa & People, En Avenidas, Cristo es Marquitos di Palma, Gondola and Cariño Reptil. El Kuelgue only have four discs: Beatriz, Ruli, Cariño Reptil and Fierrin Lado A. 

And my favorite singer today is Bad Bunny, because he basically has a song for everything: if you are sad has Si estuviesemos juntos or Vete, if you want dance there is Safaera or A tu merced, if you are happy why not listen Callaita or Estamos Bien. The best of Bad Bunny is you can transite for any emotion dancing or "perreando" until leave everything. I like Bad Bunny because attract the party, the night, have a good time with friends. 

Definitely El Conejo Malo will put the music to the world once the vaccine arrives, and the quarantines and the pandemic are over.


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